It might have been a tough term, but the blue skies are definitely becoming more of a permanent fixture. I hope that over the holiday period you have the opportunity to reconnect with family and friends. Lockdown has definitely been difficult, but it has also meant that we have all had to look at things differently and find solutions through these tricky times. Our students will be the generation of problem solvers, the ones who can find new and innovative ways to overcome challenge and adversity. If they can get through a pandemic they will be able to get through anything! They have all shown such resilience and determination throughout this year that they have an inner strength which will equip them for life. They, and all the staff, deserve a well earned rest. We look forward to welcoming them back after the Easter break ready to dive into a summer term filled with fun, learning and laughter!


Penny Ford
Head Teacher and the BH Team!
Burton Hathow Preparatory School