All of our statutory policies adhere to local and national guidelines and all policies are developed in line with ISI regulations.

All of our school policies are available to download here, and a hard copy is available on request from the school office. Updates to policies are communicated to parents at the beginning of each academic year.
Burton Hathow has an ‘open door’ policy and so, if you would like to come in to discuss your child’s progress, our door is always open. Parents are also additionally invited to a formal parents’ evening on an annual basis. Termly written progress reports are also given to children in Year R-6, along with a full written report in the Summer Term.
For those in our Nursery, there are two parent consultation evenings annually, as well as a full written report in the Summer Term. This feedback is alongside the ongoing feedback provided to parents through Tapestry – an online tool through which staff and parents record each child’s progress. Training on how to use this tool efficiently is provided to parents.
Anti-bullying policy
Behaviour and Discipline Policy
Complaints Procedure
Curriculum Policy
Procedures for visits and Outings
Procedures for visits, activities and outings
Safeguarding and child protection Policy
Admissions Policy
First Aid Policy
Health and Safety Policy
SEND Policy
EAL Policy
Online Safety Policy
Relationship and Health Education Policy
SEND Provision Guidance