This term, the Nursery children have been looking a ‘People who Help Us’.
We felt that it was important to start off with those people who are closest to us at home and at school.…our Mummies and Daddies! The children loved getting involved with helping to wash up the items from the home corner and putting the smocks in the washing machine after lunch and then hanging them out to dry! We talked about all the different things our parents and carers do for us at home as well as when they go to work and how they help different people depending on their job. We then moved on to people who help look after us and keep us safe at school. 
Caterpillars loved going over to the hall and watching Miss Gayle and Mrs Spencer cook our dinner and then load it up into the trolley to take back to the cabin.  Butterflies were fascinated by the bus that Mr Hegg drives and always like to have a look at what jobs he is doing around school as he gets to use lots of exciting tools!
We then moved on to the extremely important emergency services! Demonstrating their knowledge through role play; both classrooms of Butterflies and Caterpillars have been a doctor’s surgery, Police and fire stations. The children were able to use real bandages, plasters and medical equipment to care for their poorly patients. The children learnt how to hold and use tools correctly and which body parts they were needed for.  

During ‘firefighter’ week the Butterflies became very engrossed in building engines both indoors and outdoors! A lot of role play then accompanied this, as they rescued animals that had become stuck up a trees and safely put out fires including the camp fire in the woods after using it to make some yummy pancakes! 
Caterpillars had lots of fun pretending to be a dentist and using the toothbrushes to clean the very dirty teeth cards. They have also shown a keen interest in sensory play this term; such as mixing dry porridge oats with warm water which became very squishy and squelchy, making marks in the cornflour and mixing lard and bird seeds to make bird feed.