This half of the term, our focus has been around ‘Houses and Homes’. All of the Nursery children have enjoyed reading traditional stories such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk and The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Butterflies have enjoyed experimenting with a variety of construction materials to design and build. Using different media, for example, the large and small wooden blocks, sticks, fabric and various other materials, has provided lots of problem solving opportunities, particularly when trying to build with straw! Whilst Butterflies were busy building, the Caterpillars enjoyed feeling the different textures, smelling different smells and observing different visual objects within their play. They have particularly enjoyed engaging with the small world people, developing their imaginative skills.
The highlight of this term has been the Spring weather that has brought us some warmth and sunshine. The children have loved putting their coats aside, popping on their wellies and being able to go off and explore freely! If the children haven’t been busy digging holes, making roads or building sandcastles then they have been in the mud kitchen making mud pies or milkshakes.
Butterflies have also been putting their climbing skills to the test by exploring the three trees at the bottom of the garden. They have also enjoyed testing their fears by climbing up onto a large tree stump in the garden and jumping off. This has prompted lots of conversation about keeping ourselves safe and making sure that we look carefully to see what is happening all around us. Caterpillars have particularly enjoyed the push along toys that they can ride or push with their arms and bodies as well as anything that is round which they can roll down the ramp in the garden.
We’ve had a lovely start to Spring and look forward to some more lovely weather where we can enjoy our surroundings even more.