Get in touch to book a personal tour or to enquire about your childs place.
01522 702657
Burton Hathow Preparatory School
Odder Farm
Saxilby Road
Lincoln LN1 2BB
This first part of the Summer term has been focused on the topic of ‘farming’. This has been a particular favourite with some of the children who are keen tractor enthusiasts!
Butterflies started looking at the different jobs that farmers do and even created their own farmer out of a variety of materials. The children came out with an extensive list recognising that not all farmers farm animals but some farm crops, fruits and vegetables. We particularly enjoyed using the book ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ as it prompted lots of learning opportunities around giving and following directions. As part of this, the children created their own farm where we strategically placed animals and buildings before then learning how to programme the bee bot to get from a- b without falling in any muddy puddles! We then moved on to looking at crops that farmers grow and where our food comes from. The children have really enjoyed some hands-on learning as they explored lots of different fruits and vegetables in the role play area as they chopped, sniffed and felt all the different textures. We had some particularly observant children who recognised that some vegetables grow underground, and some grow on top of the ground.
The Caterpillars have been busy little farmers; planting vegetables and remembering to give them a drink every day. After reading ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’ we used our knitted characters to help us re-tell the story and even planted our own bean plants! We are anxiously waiting for them to grow high enough so that we can climb to the top and see if we can find the castle!We have had some interesting discussions about where food comes from and, as usual, our children surprised us with their wealth of knowledge. Most of us knew that an egg comes from a chicken, so we decided to have a closer look at them, identifying all the parts and then mixing them, we made some delicious scrambled egg for one of our afternoon snacks!
We have finished the term off in a party mood as we celebrated the Queen’s Jubilee. We have followed patterns to make bunting, crowns, paper chains and painting portraits all whilst learning all about The Queen and what she does for us.
Formidable, unstoppable and determined to thrive 18 November, 2024
How has two weeks whizzed by so quickly? It feels like just two minutes since we returned from our half term holidays! Over the last […]
Second Half of Term begins. Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal—all week. Y5 Geography Trip to Ingham—1.45-3.30pm
Year 5 and 6 NSPCC assembly 9.15-10.15am. Year 2 NSPCC assembly 10.20-10.50am. Engineering Trip to Waddington (pm) - Y4-6 Engineering Group
U9 Hockey at Ranby 2.15pm
Science Week. U9 Tag Rugby and Hockey v LMS (A) 2.15pm
U9 Rugby and Hockey Festival at Barlborough Hall. U9 Football at Stratford. Meet the Head at 4pm.
U9 Hockey Festival at St Hugh’s
Children in Need (whole school). R-Y6 Flu Vaccinations (online consent required). U11 Mixed Touch Rugby v Ranby—at Burton Hathow (2.30pm)
U8 Rugby and Hockey Festival at Barlborough Hall. Reception Class Parents’ Evening
U9 Tag Rugby v St Hugh’s 2.15pm at Burton Hathow
U9 Touch Rugby at Highfields 2.15pm
Individual and Sibling Photos (am). U11 Mixed Rugby at Highfields 2.15pm
Year 3 to Lincoln Central Mosque and Cultural Centre
U11 Touch Rugby (A) v Lincoln Minster School 2.30pm
U11 Swimming Gala at St Hugh’s
Nursery Parents’ Evening
U11 Mixed Hockey at St Hugh’s
Y1-6 Pantomime Trip 10am—at Lincoln New Theatre Royal (Christmas jumpers may be worn). Owls PTA Christmas Fete 3.30-5pm
U9 Swimming Gala at St Hugh’s. R-Y2 Nativity Dress Rehearsal 2.20pm
Nursery—Sing and Shine
U8/9 Hockey Clinic at St Hugh’s TBC
R-Y2 Nativity performance for parents 2.20pm
Owls PTA Christmas Movie Night 5pm-7pm (pupils only)
Carol Service at St Peter in Eastgate Church 3-4.30pm
Christmas Lunch. R-Y2 Christmas Party
End of Term School Closes at 3pm. No after School Clubs. Term time only nursery pupils break up.
First day of term—Nursery and Main School