The Spring term has seen the children explore more traditional tales and compare different versions, discuss whether characters were ‘good’ or ‘bad’, and consider different endings. 

With the Enormous Turnip they planted seeds, sorted by size and made vegetable soup. They went on to plant potatoes (after chitting them in the window ledge) and also planted beetroot and lettuce. The children wrote the labels and recorded the date they planted them. 

A highlight was making butter and adding wild garlic, foraged from the woods. 

They have made their own salt dough bread, which they used in the role play bakery and made bread ? to eat too. Outside they have made nests after looking at a beautiful example made by a beak! They soon realised how clever birds are, skilfully crafting nests to withstand our weather. 

Next term we are looking forward to growing more vegetables and flowers in the garden and learning about growth and lifecycles.