We have had such a wonderful half term here in Reception!
Our Topic ‘All Things Great and Small’ has seen us focus our learning on dinosaurs and frogs. We have learnt so much (even Mrs Bowden and Mrs Wells!). We invented our own dinosaurs, and created models of them out of recycling materials. The children came up with super names for them, too! We have been looking at the life cycle of frogs and will be pond dipping in Hathow’s Lake after half term- very exciting!
We have worked really hard with our phonics, which is progressing beautifully. The children have been writing some excellent independent sentences- very clever! Literacy has seen us sequence dinosaur stories, investigate rhyme and riddles and we created our own ‘What am I?’ riddles.
In Maths, we have been ordering dinosaurs from shortest to tallest, we have explored capacity using various sized containers, and we even had a shape hunt around our grounds! In Forest School, we have been thinking about animal habitats and we worked in teams to create hedgehog homes in the forest. We have been working hard on our teamwork skills, too.
After half term, we will be focusing our learning on lots of creatures such as bees, snails and ladybirds, amo0nst others!
Enjoy your half term all; hopefully we will see some long awaited sunshine!
Best wishes,
Mrs Bowden and Mrs Wells. x