Get in touch to book a personal tour or to enquire about your childs place.
01522 702657
Burton Hathow Preparatory School
Odder Farm
Saxilby Road
Lincoln LN1 2BB
This term has been packed full of lots of exciting activities.
Reception have worked really hard this term, on their writing and speaking skills, through our fairy-tale topic. We have read 3 little pigs (Tres Cerditos), little red riding hood (Caperucita roja) and the Billy goats gruff (Los tres chivitos gruff) , in Spanish. They have remembered the vocabulary so well and have even been able to retell the story using just pictures.
Year 1 focused on the topic of ‘The Rainbow Fish (El Pez Arcoiris), we learned about sea life and how to describe it using lots of new adjectives (colours/size etc..) The children began making their own slides to tell the story and are developing lovely pronunciation.
Year 2 have been learning classroom language, days, months and numbers to 31. This means a lot more every day Spanish speaking in the classroom! More recently we have been learning about Birthdays, how they are celebrated in Spain and how to describe our ideal Birthday party including making our own Birthday party invitations.
In Upper School we have done some amazing work. Year 3 have made their own animal story booklets, combining animal vocabulary with adjectives, some very tricky grammar and have done an outstanding job.
Year 4 are working on the topic of family and have created some amazing pieces of imaginative writing about their celebrity families.
Year 5 have continued to work hard on their free time topic, learning to extend their sentences to include as much detail as possible in their answers with some fantastic written work.
Year 6 have been looking at Spanish ‘Fiestas’ for their cultural topic. We have enjoyed learning about San Fermín, running with the bulls. The Tomatina festival and the Fería de Abril, it has really inspired them and we are really looking forward to visiting Spain in June.
French club has been hugely successful, we have covered phonics, numbers , dates, family and introductions and of course ended the term with a bit of French cuisine… Pain au Chocolat!
Well done on a fantastic term, I look forward to the next one and planning our Spanish Day out in the sunshine!
Musical delights, The ‘Big Bird Watch’ and much more! 16 February, 2025
As the first half term of 2025 draws to a close, I’ve had time to reflect on the past six weeks. The pupils at Burton […]
First day of term—Nursery and Main School
School Council Meeting 1.15pm (Y1-6 School Council Members)
Year 2 Maths Trip 9am-11am
UK Chess Challenge Begins
U9 Netball v St Hugh’s (A) - pm
Open Morning 10am-12noon
U9 Football v Handel House (H) 2.15pm; Lunar/Chinese New Year Celebrations in Nursery (all week)
Lunar/Chinese New Year Assembly; International Lego Day (whole school); Hot Chocolate available at 11am (R-Y6) £1 in aid of Wildline Wildlife Sanctuary
U9 Football v St Hugh’s (A) – 2pm; U11 Mixed Netball v Handel House (H) 2.15pm; Visit from Wildline Wildlife Sanctuary (School Council)
Mental Health Week; U9 Football v Ranby House School (H) 2.15pm; Year 1 and 2 Parents’ Evening 4-6.30pm
Nursery WOW Event 9am-10.30am followed by Stay and Play 10.30am-11.30am; Hot Chocolate available at 11am (R-Y6) £1 in aid of Wildline Wildlife Sanctuary; Sri Lankan Independence Day – Nursery
U11 Football v Highfields (H) – 2.15pm; U9 Mixed Netball v St Hugh’s(A) 2.15pm
Y3-6 Parents’ Evening (1 of 2) 2.45-4.45pm
NSPCC Number Day - Nursery
School Council Meeting 1.15pm (Y1-6 pupils); U9 Netball v Highfields (A) 2.15pm; Year 3-6 Parents’ Evening (2 of 2) 5-7pm
Hot Chocolate available at 11am (R-Y6); £1 in aid of Wildline Wildlife Sanctuary; International Science Day– Nursery; International Pizza Day – Nursery
Big Schools’ Birdwatch (R-Y6); Wonderful Weather Afternoon (R-Y2) 2.20-3.30pm – parents/grandparents welcome; U11 Football v St Hugh’s (A) 2.15pm
House Singing Competition (R-Y6) – 2.15pm (pupils only)
Informal Concert 2.15pm (Butterflies-Y6) – parents welcome; Main School Closes at 3pm. No after school clubs. Nursery closes at 5pm; Owls PTA Disco 3.30pm (R-Y6); Half term begins
Second half of term begins; U9 Football v Handel House (A) 2.15pm
Museum Day (R-Y6)
Parent and Pupil Running Club (R-Y6) 8am—refreshments in Halse Hall afterwards
U9 Netball v Ranby (A)
U11 Mixed Netball v St Hugh’s (A) 2.15pm
World Book Day—whole school
U11 Netball v Ranby (A) 2.30pm
Reception/Y6 Height and Weight Measurement (National Screening Programme) 9am; Y6 STEM Fair at QEHS 12.30-3pm
U9 Football v St Hugh’s (A) 2.15pm
Comic Relief Day; Open Morning 10am-12noon
U9 Football v Highfields (H); Chess Challenge Prize Giving Week
U11 Netball v Wellow (H) - pm U11 Football v Wellow (A) - pm; Nursery WOW event (Wild in Our Woods) 2-3pm—parents welcome; Nursery Stay and Play 3-4pm
Owls PTA AGM 3.30pm; Owls PTA Spring Movie Night (R-Y6) 4.50-6.50pm
Owls PTA ‘Parents Like to Party’ evening at The White Hart Hotel 7pm-midnight
Easter Celebration Service—at Burton Hathow (9am)
Easter Egg Hunt; End of term; Main School closes at 3:00pm; No after school clubs; Nursery closes at 5pm