Get in touch to book a personal tour or to enquire about your childs place.
01522 702657
Burton Hathow Preparatory School
Odder Farm
Saxilby Road
Lincoln LN1 2BB
We have had a lovely first half of the Summer term in Year 1 and 2!
We made a great start on our topic, ‘Back to the Future’ which saw us rolling into the invention of the wheel, and how it developed over the years, leading to technological advances and progressions in transport! We have looked at different modes of transport including trams, trains, cars, planes and even skateboards! We learned the art of using a stopwatch which was a challenge to begin with, but we soon mastered it! We then moved on to timing speed using various means. After half-term we will be zooming off into Space and we will be learning about how we have been able to explore other planets to find out about our Solar System. Our Maths work has covered fractions, 3D shapes, time and measuring. In Literacy, we have been looking at American picture books and comparing and analysing them. We will be moving on to interviews when we come back to school, using the text ‘Interview with a Tiger and other Clawed Beasts’. In Spanish, the children and Senora Gallimore have been role-playing different travel and transport scenarios, and this theme has continued into our Art work, designing and making vehicles, whilst learning about axles, wheels and how a car moves. In Music, the children have really enjoyed being let loose on the forest Gamelan with Mr and Mrs Nowell!
We will be spending some time after half-term talking to your children about the next step in their Burton Hathow journey, and will make sure they feel fully prepared, secure and excited!
As always, thank you for all your support. We hope that you have a restful and sunny break!
Best wishes,
Miss Henley, Mrs Wells and the Year 1 and 2 team. xxx
Fun and festivities with a generous helping of good old fashioned learning 10 December, 2024
Wow, what a week of festivities, and we are only just beginning! There have been piano keys twinkling and sugar plum fairies twirling as lower […]
U11 Swimming Gala at St Hugh’s
Nursery Parents’ Evening 4.15pm-5.45pm (by appointment)
U11 Hockey v St Hugh’s(A) at Horncastle Hockey Club 2pm
Non-uniform day. Y1-6 Pantomime Trip to Lincoln New Theatre Royal 10am-2pm (transport and packed lunches provided). Owls PTA Christmas Fete 3.30-5pm
U9 Swimming Gala at St Hugh’s. R-Y2 Nativity Dress Rehearsal 2.20pm
Nursery—Sing and Shine 2.30pm
U8/9 Hockey Clinic at St Hugh’s TBC
R-Y2 Nativity performance for parents 2.20pm
Owls PTA Christmas Movie Night 5pm-7pm (pupils only)
Rudy's Run for St Barnabas Hospice, p.m.
Carol Service at St Peter in Eastgate Church 6pm-7:30pm
Christmas Lunch. R-Y2 Christmas Party. Nursery Christmas Party
End of Term School Closes at 3pm. No after School Clubs. Term time only nursery pupils break up.
Last day of term for Nursery (all year round pupils only)
First day of term—Nursery and Main School