As an independent school, Burton Hathow has created a progressive and broad curriculum based on specific areas of learning whilst incorporating guidelines from the government and the local authority. This includes specialist teaching in P.E and games, Forest School, Spanish, Music, and Phonics.
In Early Years and Lower School (Nursery – Year 2), the children are taught through themes with a variety of cross-curricular links. This programme of activities reflects pupils’ needs, focusing on our children’s ages and stages of development. The children are also encouraged to make relationships, work together, and learn to take turns and share, linked to our whole school ethos of respect.
The curriculum covers the following areas of learning:
- Health, Safety, Personal, Social, and Emotional Development
- Physical Development
- Communication (Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening, Drama) World Languages, Citizenship and Universal Understanding
- Mathematical Development
- Scientific Development
- History and Geography
- Digital Learning
- Creativity, Art and Design